Sunday, August 3, 2008

Desire... Dedication... Discipline... to Achievement

What do you think it takes to WIN at anything?? Not to get lucky, but to actually WIN… to become the Victor at something?

The 5 Ps and 3Ds:
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Desire… Dedication… Discipline!!!!!!!!

It all begins in your mind. All battles are won first between the ears. It's first about how you THINK about situations… how you SEE them. This leads to DESIRE. Desire is a strong wish or craving. You see "it". You may want "it". Now you have developed a strong wish for "it".

Now what is the next 'step', the next 'level' to achievement of that Desire??? The "it" you want. The answer is DEDICATION!!! Dedication (Lat. dedicatio, from dedicare, to proclaim, to announce), is to immerse oneself with sincerity into a certain subject or properly the setting apart of anything by solemn proclamation. Will what you strive after become a dedication in your life? How serious are you about what you 'say' you want? Will you IMMERSE yourself with Sincerity into the subject of your Desire? This is an ACTION!!! Desire is a thought!!! Dedication COMMENSES Action, but can not hold you in forward motion towards achievement.

Once Commensement has begun you fill good about taking steps forward. You DO a little work, you read up on something, you consider its avenue for achievement, you decide its really for you, and you fill good about that. But true achievement only comes with DISCIPLINE… SELF Discipline!!!

Consider the definition thereof…
(Self) Discipline refers to the training that one gives one's self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behaviour, even though one would really rather be doing something else. For example, denying oneself of an extravagant pleasure in order to accomplish a more demanding charitable deed. Thus, self-discipline is the assertion of willpower over more base desires, and is usually understood to be a synonym of 'self control'. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation, when one uses reason to determine a best course of action that opposes one's desires.

I submit this to you:
There will always be choices to be made especially with your time and attention. The world is full of distractions. We all have numerous desires… it's a part of human nature. You think 'it' and therefore it becomes a desire. But ask yourself what have you truly dedicated yourself to? What have you or will you disciple yourself on and what will you discipline yourself to? Achievement is rarely if ever about luck. Sure there can be some divine intervention from time to time, but why live your life waiting on something you don't know when or IF it will ever happen??? You've been given a mind and freedom to Think… to Act… and to Decide. And if you are in America, you have been given at least the opportunity to exert that freedom of mind to decide on your life. What we do with those decisions will determine the sum total of our life. We will all make some good decisions and some bad. But this subject of achievement of the "IT", goes beyond just making a decision. A decision can be made from your desire or turn into a desire. A decision can permit Action and Dedication. BUT whatever subject, whatever desire, whatever purpose, whatever cause, whatever person, thing or "IT" you place your 'discipline', your 'willpower', your 'self control', your 'motivation' ON, that must supercede other desires.

Look at the graphics below.

Triangle 1 is an example of what most people DO in their lives. We have many desires all pulling for our attention. We then dedicate ourselves to some of those desires, but never really turn them into a situation of disciplined achievement. We don't truly focus on their achievement through purposeful, dedicated action of denying onesself of other desires and making "IT" a priority. The unfortunate situation is that we 'think' that we have made something a priority because we took action, but it's not in the discipline category. So we have effectively fooled ourselves. Of course most achievable goals start with some sort of dedication toward them, and that's great, but how or when do we decide to change those goals into disciplined efforts…???? How much time do we have to spend on it to be convinced? How much information do we need to make the decision? Who needs to influence us into action? Its all personal to who you are…

Triangle 2 is what we need to do in our lives to accomplish our desires and dedicated goals. Choose which desires/goals we will dedicate to and apply the willpower of discipline to achievement. In the face of other choices, that which you are disciplined to will rise to the top. You know if you are truly disciplined to something when you apply your time, attention, and effort to its achievement in the mist of all the "other distractions" of life!! Not that it will be the only 'thing' you work on, but a disciplined goal Will keep your time, attention, and effort even in the face of adversity. You will think about it, you will desire its necessity, and you will be drawn to its achievement. If you are purposefully dedicated, you can't let outside influences or options, or people to sidetrack or distract you from achievement of a TRUE DISCIPLINED GOAL!!! It will consume a piece of who you are. It will define a piece of who you are.

So, I ask you are you fooling yourself on being dedicated to your goal/desire or is it just a thought that you have applied some action towards? It's a gut check we all must have with ourselves throughout life, if we are to truly achieve things in life, make them happen, and 'win' at what we do. Luck seems to me to be a failed plan for achievement, and dedicating oneself to something without discipline for its achievement is like hoping that your thought and movement into action will make you "lucky" enough to become a success. It's all about what you believe in and are you willing to put forth the effort it takes to achieve what you want in life or your DUTY. The time is always NOW and the choice is always NOW. The decision is yours, but we have to be careful because every opportunity has a timeframe and a place for its achievement. There is a window of opportunity. You must make the decision to achieve it when its available and you are able to apply your discipline to it. Most everyone CAN be a success and achieve greatness, but few will make that decision to do what it takes to make it happen. The choice is always YOURS… move, make it happen, and achieve!!!

The 5 Ps and 3Ds:
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Desire… Dedication… Discipline!!!!!!!!!

Take care-J.Bruce

There are scriptures that will be posted with this item that will be added later. I need to get in quiet place again and hear what they are clearly... but this will get you started thinking. Think about how this principle applies to all areas of relationship, profession, religion, etc. It can be pretty powerful if you grasp it and apply it.

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